FOOD  ALLERGY  ASSESSMENT         Dr. Bruce Sweet , 345-7555 ,



ELIMINATION (Avoidance) PHASE             (this is NOT easy)

                     During this phase you can only eat the foods listed below. You must maintain a high water intake throughout

 this phase (6-8 large glasses of water per day minimum). You should attempt to eat at least three meals per day and the more

 you eat the better. Make sure to eat the fat on the meat allowed. Do not consume any vitamin, mineral, or herbal preparations

  during this phase. The only additive allowed to your food is salt. Stay on this phase for: 5 , 7 ,or 14 days (to be chosen at

start of diet along with specific foods to be avoided and reintroduced).  During this phase your symptoms must improve to

continue on to the reintroduction phase below. If you have no improvement in symptoms at the end of this phase, resume a

 normal diet and let Dr. Sweet know the results of this trial by email.


                     ALLOWED FOODS : A - ALL except  (usually ONE specific food eliminated)……………………...………………..

                    (one of these options)

                                                        : B - FULL Elimination Diet: water , white/brown/wild rice , lamb OR turkey OR chicken (lamb is preferred as it is less allergenic,

 if lamb not acceptable then turkey next best choice, allergy to chicken more common)


                                                        : C-  generic - water , rice , fresh fruits , fresh-frozen vegetables, fresh-frozen meats




                       Only start this phase if you have had significant improvement during the Elimination Phase. You continue to

 eat your basic elimination diet and start to test individual foods by adding them back into your diet. Any reintroduced food

 that causes problems-symptoms should be subsequently avoided until the results are reviewed, and those that are fine can

continue to be eaten.  If you react to a reintroduced food you cannot reintroduce the next food until symptoms have once

again disappeared. Foods that are to be reintroduced should be done in the order listed below, and preferably be eaten twice within

 1-2 hours in reasonable portions (provided you do not have a reaction to that food).  Remember, you can only add each

new food in alone -only water and salt allowed. No spices, butter, etc. until tested.


                      REINTRO FOODS :   A -  If you are avoiding ONE specific food, that food should be reintroduced after you get up in the morning, ONLY that food should be eaten along with water.

  When reintroducing the purest form of that food should be reintroduced. For example: 2 tbs of wheat flour mixed with several ounces of cold water to test wheat. If milk is being avoided we often

do a 2 step introduction – Lacteeze milk first, followed by regular milk 2-3 hours later if required. This is reviewed in the subsection on Food Allergy.


                                                           B -  If you are on the FULL Elimination diet the reintroduction below is suggested:

                                                            ( 1 – one tsp of yeast in water -optional depending on symptoms)

                                                           2 – one glass of Lacteese milk, if OK in 2 hours have a glass of regular milk

                                                           3 – one egg (poached or boiled)

                                             4 – wheat flour (best is non-enriched flour, 2 tbs. in cold water)

                                                           5 – beef

                                                           6 – kernel corn (frozen or on the cob)

                                                           7 – pork

                                                           8 – a specific suspect OR desired food


                                      Other foods :  …………………………………………………………..




 After this you should make an appointment to see or email Dr. Sweet to review the results and discuss future

 dietary advice. You may now add any food back into your diet, but, keep in mind to add every

 new food back in, one food at a time, so you will catch any possible other foods that are bothering you. If you have questions during the diet, email Dr. Sweet.

Dr. Sweet 2017