Urticaria (hives)  and Angioedema (swelling)   Bruce Sweet  M.D. 2003



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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   LAYERS

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^        OF

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     SKIN


                                                    THE  TISSUE  UNDER  SKIN (cells,nerves,blood vessels,etc.)


    MAST   CELL      >>>>>>>>> * HISTAMINE RECEPTOR

- contains preformed chemicals                                             - histamine attachment causes

- can release these chemicals                                                      hives, swelling, itching

(histamine & others) into tissues                                              - antihistamines must block this

- if the mast cell is close to the skin                                           receptor to control itch & swell

 surface >>> hives “ welts”                                                    - antihistamines must get there first

- if the mast cell is in deep tissue away                                       and stay longer to be effective

 from surface >>> edema  “swelling”


We cannot control the mast cell, but we can control

 the effects of some of the released chemicals



WHAT MAKES THE MAST CELL UNSTABLE   (LEAKY - release it's chemicals) ??


ALLERGIES-- drugs, foods, contact, etc. ; lasts hours-rarely a few days

PHYSICAL triggers -- heat , cold , pressure ; lasts years-often lifelong

CHRONIC IDIOPATHIC -- the immune system makes the mast cell leaky, very common, comes and goes, no consistent trigger, not serious ; lasts 6 weeks-years, often eventually goes but can return

INFECTIONS -- viral, strep. (lasts days) ; h.pylori or parasitic (lasts weeks ++)

EXERCISE -- exercise is the only trigger  +/- specific food eaten prior to exercise

DRUGS -- that directly affect the mast cell through non-allergic mechanisms

                  - ASA, Ibuprofen (Advil TM,Motrin TM), plus other NSAIs (anti-inflammatory anti-arthritic)

                  - X-ray contrast dyes, opiates (morphine,demerol,codeine)

                  - ACE inhibitors (captopril,enalapril,ramipril, etc.) for heart & blood pressure

                  and ( Beta Blockers (atenolol, propanolol, pindolol, metoprolol,etc.) should be avoided in

                                                      individuals with recurrent hives(urticaria) or swelling(angioedema) )

MASTOCYTOSIS -- (urticaria pigmentosa) - rare, increased mast cells in the body

CHRONIC DISEASES -- rare, certain autoimmune diseases and cancers, weight loss, unwell

DERMATOGRAPHISM -- very common, scratching the skin causes a welt to appear exactly where scratched, more likely to develop chronic idiopathic urticaria


REMEMBER - if you are experiencing hives for ANY REASON,  HEATING the skin up (hot shower-bath, exercise, comforter in bed) and SCRATCHING will make the mast cell leak more, AND always makes the itching WORSE!!!